District 2-A2 Stride For Sight Program
In 1993, the District created an annual fundraising program to support various District programs and projects. The program initially envisioned the Lions Clubs and individual Lions participating in a “Stride” to solicit financial support from the community. Over time it has become a fundraising tool which helps fund research programs and related facilities at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in addition to community service programs.
Lions’ sponsorships in the Department of Ophthalmology that have benefitted from the annual Stride for Sight include the Lions Low Vision Center of Texas, the Lions Pathology Lab, the Lions Surgical Skills Lab, the Eberlin Clinical Research and Imaging Facility, and the Lions Sight Research Center. Funds raised through the Stride for Sight have also facilitated the purchase and operations of the Lions Mobile Eye Screening Unit which provides free eye screenings to communities throughout South Central Texas.
Each year the Lions and Lions Clubs raise money in support of the Stride for Sight through a variety of Club activities. Some Lions Clubs actually stage a “Stride for Sight Walk”; other Clubs have ice cream socials, ethnic dinners, picnics, bowl-a-thons, and raffles. All proceeds raised through the Stride for Sight go directly to support District sanctioned programs and projects administered by the Lions Sight Research Foundation on behalf of the Lions of District 2-A2. Over $600,000 has been raised since the first Stride in 1993.
Lions Sight Research Foundation District 2-A2 receives a grant from the San Antonio Area Foundation on May 12, 2016. The Lions of District 2-A2 sincerely appreciate the generosity of the San Antonio Area Foundation awarding this grant, we look forward to a continuing partnership with them.